steel magnolia

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A few extra

Leave it to good friends and family to always tell it like it is.

Apparently, I've put on "a few extra" lately. Not 20 pounds, just a few. Not enough to send me running to the gym or to give up my beloved cheeseburger and high-sodium diet. But enough that some of my clothes no longer fit.

But I am NOT complaining. Even though in this society we're supposed to freak out at the sight of a little pudge here or there, upon reflecting on this a bit I realized my increased shapeliness is indicative of 3 fabulous things:

1) I'm not a teenager anymore - my teen years were fun but I'm ready to move on and be a woman. Besides, I like my potentially (hopefully, fingers crossed) child-bearing hips. At least, they are child-holding hips.

2) I QUIT SMOKING!! - I don't ever like to talk about my addictions unless I'm talking about them in the past tense. I was definitely sucking down (at least) two packs a week this summer and even more after Paris. But no matter how many times Pat would plead with me to stop, I knew that I had to be ready before I could do it.

I didn't tell anyone my smoking was out of control or that it was making me sick. I just quit cold turkey, quietly and in my own way and last Thursday Pat and I celebrated 21 days of no smoking. It's just not a part of my life any more and I don't want it to ever be again.

The fact that I was able to quit was a sign that things are going well and I'm fairly content. Ok, so in terms of school and being organized and on top of things...I'm a bit of a train wreck. But despite appearances, I'm totally ok with that and I'm just enjoying the ride.

3) I'm healthy - Being insanely overweight is clearly no bill of good health but neither is being very thin. So ladies, rather than freak out at the sight of a bit of flesh here and there, celebrate. You're healthy. I don't know how long I can say that for. None of us really do.

Health is something we all take for granted. Being healthy is your ability to function and do things you like. It's living your life. Maybe we would all be as thin as we wanted if we were withering away in hospital beds, but where I come from, looking well-rounded is a beautiful thing.


The next time Pat tells me I look beautiful, I'm going to forget about the tummy rolls and just believe him. Because I can breathe in the morning and really, I haven't felt this good in ages.


  • At 26.11.06, Blogger Mike said…

    Yay! That's awesome. I didn't know you'd quit smoking. Mad props, Pinch.

  • At 27.11.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I didn't believe you until last Saturday - you didn't smoke at the house, when we were waiting for the limo or at afterlife. And girl you were TOASTEE. Keep it up!

  • At 27.11.06, Blogger CR said…

    Hooray Pinchy!!! Congrats for quitting smoking, and yay for your post. I've gained weight too, and I think I only hate it because I think that I should. I actually don't think I look bad, but for some reason I'm always saying I have to lose weight.

  • At 30.11.06, Blogger B. Scott Currie said…

    After watching 'The Break-up', Emilie and I were discussing how freakishly thin Jennifer Aniston is. How guys find that appealing, I don't know - I thought we were hard-wired to like fertile-looking body types. Anyway, thanks for confirming my suspicions you had quit smoking (I noticed during the drunken p'duction night episode you hadn't), just make sure it's for good this time!

  • At 30.11.06, Blogger April said…

    Ditto! I love fat girls!

  • At 30.11.06, Blogger Emm said…

    Mmm-mmm bitch - if you were an alpaca and I was an alpaca, I'd want to bang your furry, alpaca ass.


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