steel magnolia

Monday, December 11, 2006

What exams are like...

  • You don't have time to cook so you eat mostly fast food and condiments
  • Your first thought when you wake up in the morning is "shiiiiit"
  • You sweat taurine
  • Showers are rewards for a hard-day's work
  • Cleaning and dishes are much welcomed study breaks
  • You have a hunch back from leaning over your books
  • You write exams in your dreams
  • You post pointless blogs like this one - anything for a break
  • You contemplate dropping the course, dropping out or dropping dead!

Good luck everyone...keep on truckin'!


  • At 11.12.06, Blogger Emm said…

    UGHHHHHHHH barf vomit blech.

  • At 13.12.06, Blogger sydney said…

    what Emilie said. i keep dreaming about exams too. or dreaming about something terrible. i have cleaned my whole house... twice. and i keep smelling something foul, so my study breaks are spent trying to find out what it is. it's usually me.


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