steel magnolia

Monday, July 24, 2006

"Return to New York:" Mylo + Mstrkrft

What an incredible weekend.

After a seemingly endless workday last Friday, I threw on my favourite heels and my military cap and booted it down to Toronto for Mstrkrft and Mylo's CD release party at Sonic.

I met up with Krista at the always hospitable Stacey's house and finally met this Liz that Krista always says I have to meet. The four of us ladies head down town to sketchy Spadina (the last time I was there we arrived just in time for a shooting at 7/11)...and I had a little Louis Vuitton to keep me going...and something pink later (?)

Sonic is a club where the old theatre used to be on Spadina. Outside it's a nasty pile of cement that looks like a rendez-vous for crackheads. Inside, it's incredible. They have the biggest disco ball I have ever seen in any bar (period!) encapsulated by a fabulous chandelier. The decor is very funk meets arabian nights...comfy couches (a must when dancing exceeds 6 hours) and beautiful lanterns dangling over the bars. My only complaint are the many, many steps and stairways. Law-suits waiting to happen, in my opinion.

But enough about the venue. If Mylo made me hot, Mstrkrft made me WET. It was so hot I think I felt my body evaporate. Mstrkrft is made up of two guys, one of which is from the band "Death from Above." The music they doesn't even exist yet. They played a remix of Metric's "Monster Hospital," some eightees remixes, some originals (BRILLIANT) and even some Happy Hardcore which was so nostalgic for me I nearly cried tears of joy.

Getting booted out at 5 am was pretty brutal since I was just peaking and ready to go another few hours. But then it gave me the opportunity to have an amazing 3-hour talk with Krista, who I miss so very, very much and who I will be seeing LOTS more now that she's back from Italy!!!

Saturday night's pool party was as fun as could be expected on zero sleep...but needless to say a heated pool was much welcomed. Dancing at the fox Saturday night was so bizarre, due to the lack of sleep...because it actually felt like a continuation of the same night.

Sleep that night was the most wonderful feeling in the entire world.

Sunday it was decided that I'm going to Paris at the end of the summer and I fell asleep reading about wine tours in Bordeaux.


  • At 27.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey mishy!
    im so so so glad you had fun at mstrkrft!!! i really really wanted to go too! i think im going to glaude @ this is london on Aug 25th. Kris just told me about it. guess what!? miss you like you have no idea. we have so much to catch up on...
    talk to you so soon. (look at your sched for aug 24/25...) glaude is the best ever you should totally come :)

  • At 27.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sorry about my shitty grammer. i've been away from computers/ school/ smart people for too long


  • At 28.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oooh paris? who are you going with and can i come?

  • At 28.7.06, Blogger Mish said…

    Oh my glaude I'm so there Lee!


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