steel magnolia

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Do you know Jesus?

A woman asked me this at the bus terminal last Friday (a wild/incredible but physically costly St. Patty's day) while I was waiting to go to Toronto. I said what I could to get rid of her, but in fact, I don't know Jesus, God or anything that isn't based on truth.

There are an estimated 10 million species on the Earth today. I think it's a little speciescentric that "God" is most typically represented by a human form in religions. Furthermore, it's conveniently ethnocentric that in most major religions this God reflects their own ethnicity (Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus). Maybe God is a praying mantis, or a shih-tzu.

I think I'll be able to instill a sense of morality in my children without an arbitrary set of rules. And I won't have to resort to using fear and guilt or the threat of Hell.
When they ask me where people go when they die I will simply tell them the truth: When we die, we go into the hearts and minds of people we loved.
And being remembered well should be motivation enough to do some good.


  • At 23.3.06, Blogger CR said…

    Maybe Oliver is God!

    But in all seriousness, that last part of this post was really beautiful.

  • At 29.3.06, Blogger April said…

    That's what I believe heaven is.


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